Empowering Families Through Local Child Care Planning in Riverside County

The primary mission of the local LPC is to plan for child care and development services based on the needs of families.

LPC - Riverside County Local Child Care and Development Planning Council

California Assembly Bill AB 2141 mandated that each of California’s 58 counties establish a Local Child Care and Development Planning Council (LPC). The primary mission of the local LPC is to plan for child care and development services based on the needs of families. The State of California appointed the County Board of Supervisors (BOS) and the County Superintendent of Schools as the designated authorities to establish an LPC. The Consortium for Early Learning Services, a 501(c) 3, founded in 1982, was appointed as the LPC for Riverside County in 1992.  

Collaborate with the Riverside County Office of Education, First 5 Riverside and other entities to carry out Early Care and Education staff retention initiatives. 

The LPC membership is comprised of 20% from each of the following categories and renewed annually:

  1. Consumers: Defined as a parent or person who receives, or have received, within the past 36 months, child care services.
  2. Child Care Providers: Defined as a person who provides child care services or represents persons who provide child care services.
  3. Public Agencies: Defined as a person who represents a city, county, city and county, or local education agencies.
  4. Community: Defined as a person who represents of agency or business that provides private funding for child care services or who advocates for child care services through participation in civic or community-based organizations but is not a child care provider and does not represent an agency that contracts with th3e dss to provide child care and development services.
  5. Discretionary: shall be appointed at the discretion of the appointing agencies. The County Board of Supervisors (CBS), County Superintendent of Schools (CSS) are each to appoints one half of he the LPC members. In the case of uneven members both appointing entities will agree on the odd-numbered appointee.

In accordance with the Brown Act, the intention to make appointments to the council and invite local organizations to participate will be publicized locally. 


LPC’s Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:

  • Conduct an assessment of child care needs in the county no less than once every 5 years.
  • Prepare local countywide child care plans designed to mobilize public and private resources to address identified needs.
  • Identify local funding priority areas by zip codes for child care services for General Child Care and Development Programs, and the State Preschool Programs for state and federal funds.
  • Foster local partnerships with subsidized and non-subsidized providers, human service agencies, local and state children and families commissions, county welfare departments, regional centers, local child care resource and referral programs, job training programs, employers, parent organizations, and other interested parties.
  • Collaborate with First 5 Riverside, Riverside County Office of Education and other entities to carry out child care staff retention initiatives.

Riverside County Zip Code Priorities Report 

Riverside County Child Care Needs Assessment & Strategic Plan (2021 to 2025)

Strategic Plan Goals: 

  1. Sustain Quality Child Care: 
    • Promote full inclusion in early care and education programs 
    • Support ELC Workforce 
    • Support Social and Emotional health of our ELC Workforce 
  2. Promote Equity in Early Care and Education Programs 
    • Ensure all children have access to quality programs, regardless of race, income, or community 
    • Support dual language population 
    • Narrow the digital divide through advocacy and support  

Local Planning Council Agendas

Local Planning Council Minutes


How Can You Be Appointed to your Local Planning Council? 

If you are interested in serving your community as a member of the Local Planning Council, and would like to receive additional information, please contact our Local Planning Coordinator Victoria Carrasco at LPC@consortiumels.org or 951-778-5005 

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