Family Child Care Home

This program gives financial stipends to early childhood educators in Riverside County for completing training, college courses, and obtaining or updating their child development permits and degrees. Educators get advice and support during this process. By participating, they improve their skills and knowledge, which helps raise the quality of education and care they give to children. 

Family Child Care Home Providers Support

To assist eligible participants living in Riverside County in obtaining/enlarging a Family Child Care Home (FCCH) license with the Department of Public Social Services, Community Care Licensing (CCL) they will be eligible for the following:
  • Reimbursement for the CCL orientation and the fees to obtain the license
  • $500 for obtaining a new CCL License or upgrading from a small to a large license
  • $750 for completing the required health and safety trainings to receive your license
    • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
    • First Aid
    • Lead Poisoning Training
  • Live Scan fee reimbursement for adults in the home
  • Reimbursement for yearly CCL renewal fees
  • $250 for renewing their CPR, First Aid training as required

When going from a small to a large FCCH license Reimbursement for the CCL licensing fee

In addition:

A $500 stipend will be earned for completing the Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP) program offered by the Riverside County Office of Education.

Eligible licensed participants will be able to enroll in the WPSP Educational and Professional Development program for attaining educational advancement & professional development in the ECE field. Separate enrollment is required for these benefits.

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QCC WP Stipend Program Year Total 21-24

A total of $1,044,872.97 paid out to the ECE workforce in stipends to 645 ECE professionals who completed the QCC WP Stipend Program.

38 Enrollment Meetings in English and 18 in Spanish


General Education units completed

+ 2,309

ECE units completed

= 3,071

Total Education units completed

588 participants completed professional development (PD) through the QCC WP Stipend Program


Child Development Teacher Permits obtained for the first time

+ 52

Child Development Teacher Permits renewed

+ 62

Child Development Teacher Permits upgraded

= 161

Total of ECE workforce members obtained, renewed, or upgraded Child Development Teacher Permits to retain the workforce in the ECE sector

$9,912.72 was paid to 50 participants for supplemental items to support attending school and trainings.


reimbursed to FFN and small FCCH participants for Title 22 requirements to obtain a new or expand their current CCL license


Participants who completed RCOE CCIP training series and received $200 stipend


participants received technical assistance to obtain a California Community Care License (CCL) for Family Child Care Home (FCCH)


participants received 13 FCCH best practices 2-HR. trainings

FFN received 54 new FCCH CCL bringing 432 New Child Care slots to the county

24 small FCCH expanded to large FCCH CCL bringing 120 additional Child Care slots to the county

Happy Asian Siblings Children Laughing And Smiling

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