Where Learning Comes to Life

California has implemented a statewide initiative to provide a strong and early start to education for all children through equitable access to Universal PreKindergarten (UPK)

Connecting Families to Early Learning Programs in Riverside County

The Consortium for Early Learning Services (CELS) in Riverside County has been directed by the California Department of Education to implement the Universal Prekindergarten Mixed Delivery Planning Grant (UPKMDPG). The primary goal of the grant is to fortify partnerships and lead a community-level engagement process aimed at coordinating and developing an efficient and effective preschool mixed-delivery system in Riverside County. In this role CELS will collaborate with Riverside County Office of Education (RCOE), local education agencies, family child care homes, center-based child care providers, resources and referral agency, parents, and community partners. Locally, these efforts will be referred to as the Riverside County Universal Prekindergarten (RivCoUPK).

In alignment with California’s implementation of Universal Prekindergarten (UPK), Consortium is supporting partners, to achieve a mixed service delivery system that promotes parent choice and aligns the early learning and TK-12 systems, which will ultimately help children and families meet school readiness outcomes. 

Consortium UPK vision is to align the early learning and TK-12 systems in support of P-3 alignment. We are networking and collaborating with local educational agencies and other community partners to ensure a true mixed service delivery system that brings together all early learning programs, including transitional kindergarten (TK). Consortium offers virtual and in-person professional learning opportunities, technical assistance, and more. 

What is Universal Preschool (UPK) and P3?

UPK can serve as a bridge between early childhood and TK-12 systems to increase students’ readiness for school and schools’ readiness for students so that all children thrive in school and in life.

Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) brings together Transitional Kindergarten (TK), California State Preschools (CSPP), Head Start (HS), private preschools, and childcare, and before & after-school programs to partner so that families have access to a preschool learning experience and full day extended learning and care that meets their needs. The program options can be layered and wrapped to create rich, early-learning opportunities for all children during the year before kindergarten, regardless of income. 

Preschool through third grade (P-3) alignment “includes both horizontal and vertical alignment and coherence across grades and systems to improve coordination of policies and practices in preschool, across transitions to Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten, and through third grade and beyond.” (Source: California Department of Education) 

What is Universal Transitional Kindergarten (Tk)

Transitional kindergarten (TK)refers to a developmentally appropriate program that focuses on the whole child; it uses a curriculum with a play- and project-based approach; provides a daily focus on language, literacy, and math; and supports social and emotional development. Universal transitional kindergarten is a TK program available to all 4-year-old children statewide at no cost to families. 

How Do TK, UPK, and P-3 Alignment Intersect?

  • TK as a service delivery option is an integral program in the mixed delivery system for achieving UPK.
  • UPK is a mixed-delivery system of UTK, CSPP, Head Start, private providers, and more.
  • P-3 aligns UPK with Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade.

Universal Pre-kindergarten(UPK) Mixed Delivery System:

We work together with the local education agencies and community agencies to create connections and plans to make sure all children can access different preschool options, like public schools, private schools, Head Start, and family child care. By working together, the grant aims to meet community needs, improve program quality, and help families find and enroll in preschool programs that suit them. 

The UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Workgroup (under the Consortium For Early Learning Services) will serve as a feedback forum to provide input and diverse perspectives about how to integrate a mixed service delivery systems approach to expanding care and education for three- and four-year-old children, as required by California Education Code 8320. 

Include how all four-year-old children and an increased number of three-year-old children in Riverside County may access care and education services, using a mixed delivery system, that meets the needs of all families. To meet family needs, the mixed delivery system must ensure access to:
  • Strengthening partnerships between local education agencies (including school districts) and the early care and education mixed delivery system,
  • Increase support for the early care and education workforce,
  • Increase parent’s knowledge about early care and education choices about full and part day learning experiences,
  • Enhance partnerships for families to access health and social – emotional supports,
  • Enhance partnerships to support inclusion of children with exceptional needs, and
  • Other coordinated services need cultural and linguistic needs of our community.

The UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Workgroup accomplishes much of its work through group discussions, meetings, surveys, and regional focus group meetings.

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UPK Partners

Early Care and Education Programs and Educators

Early Care and Education Programs and Educators

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Military Provider Preschool

Military Provider Preschool

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Local Education Agencies and Educators

Local Education Agencies and Educators

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UTK Expansion Timeline

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is an option for all 4 year olds, and soon for 3 year olds. To find out when your child will become eligible, see below.

Families with 4 year olds have many early learning options that include: TK, private preschool, care through family childcare homes, and low-cost/free subsidized programs (if eligible) such as Head Start, California State Preschool Program, and other subsidized programs. 

Soliciting feedback on UPK in your community

UPK Resources

About TK

The bridge between preschool and Kindergarten for California’s children.

More information about Tk

Universal Prekindergarten and transitional kindergarten

CDE resources for meeting the UPK timelines, including:

  • UPK Planning and Implementation Grant Program Planning Template 
  • UPK Planning and Implementation Program Guidance

Universal prekindergarten FAQs:

Frequently asked questions regarding California state law relating to Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) and Transitional Kindergarten (TK).

California Preschool learning Foundations:

Outline of the key knowledge and skills that most children can achieve when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program.

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