Support Us

Charitable donations can now be made to the Consortium for Early Learning Services through PayPal or United Way pledges.


To make a donation to the Consortium for Early Learning Services so we can continue assisting providers with resources for child care throughout Riverside County, please click the button below:

United Way

United Way of the lnland Counties has made it easy for you to give charitable donations to the Consortium. By listing us on your United Way donor designation form, you can help the Consortium for Early Learning Services insure that there is quality, affordable and accessible child care throughout Riverside County. Quality child care guarantees stronger families and healthier children.

Giving to the Consortium for Early Learning Services will not prevent you from contributing to your current charities. A maximum of three organizations can be chosen for charitable contributions. United Way will share your gift with the agencies of your choice.

Simply write:
Consortium for Early Learning Services
21250 Box Springs Road, Suite 113
Moreno Valley, CA 92557

on a United Way donor designation form.

By doing so, you will demonstrate a commitment to helping children. Every penny given will be used to insure quality, affordable and accessible child care in Riverside County.